"Seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom;
yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom;
seek learning, even by study and also by faith."
Doctrine and Covenants 88:118

"And the gatherer sought to find pleasing words, worthy writings, words of Truth."
Ecclesiastes 12:10

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Pope John Paul II - Spiritual discipline

Karol Wojtyla's spiritual apprenticeship to an unassuming Polish Tailor -

"Tyranowski, at the request of some Salesian fathers, had become involved in a program called the "Living Rosary" that would help young Poles, under wartime conditions, walk a disciplined, spiritual, Catholic life and sharpen their overall spiritual appetite....He would meet with them in his cramped, second-story apartment in groups to share his insights into living the spiritual life at a far deeper level than they were familiar with.  He gave them assignments to fortify their self-discipline: daily prayer times, Bible readings, periods of meditation; and he asked them to keep a close spiritual diary of their efforts in these areas. 'Every moment must be put to use,' he would say, and Karol used this wisdom to fuel his own phenomenal energy throughout the rest of his life."

Wojtyla's own description of Tyranowski -

"one of those unknown saints, hidden like a marvelous light at the bottom of life, at a depth where night usually reigns....In his words, in his spirituality, and in the example of a life given entirely to God alone, he represented a new world that I did not yet know.  I saw the beauty of a soul opened up by grace."

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