"He [Enkidu] hears the hierodule telling him 'you know there is a king Gilgamesh in Uruk, and he had a couple of dreams, and they were about you! And you will be a strong and trustworthy friend to him.' Now if you were to have such an experience, being told that someone has dreamt that you would enter that person's life (things which happen by the way), how would you feel about it? What does it give to Enkidu to hear this?
REMARKS: Self-confidence. Worth.
Yes but also....I would think of something very specific-if this is so cast by the gods.
REMARK: Destiny.
Yes, it gives the quality of destiny. The other comments were not wrong, but they belong in the larger connection of destiny. That is the important experience at the bottom of many starts of the way of individuation - a feeling of destiny."
Rivkah Scharf Kluger
The Archetypal Significance of Gilgamesh
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