"I recall the dream of a young
woman who had tremendous difficulties relating to men. In the dream, she came into a flower
shop. No one was there, and then she
rang the bell. A very mundane ordinary
start, you see. She waited a long time
in the shop, and then the owner came down from above. She was an unusual, super-human woman,
because she did not walk down the steps, but floated down. So she had a kind of angelic quality. And so she appeared before this young woman
and told her no less than the four possibilities of how woman could relate to
man. The dreamer knew it then, and woke up, and to her dismay, could not recall
it. She was just desperate that she had
forgotten what this divine woman had told her.
It is as though the unconscious sometimes would tease us like this. But I think it is not a tease. With all her troubles and difficulties, she
had to know that there is something like this….Sometimes young troubled people
get hints, for the sake of enduring and surviving until they can know….They are
not yet ready to experience it, but there is something….But we have to earn
it. It is not put into our laps."
"Insight can be lost again, and sometimes that has a very discouraging effect. But it makes all the difference that one had it once. Once, the sun did break through the clouds. Even if it should rain afterwards for a long time, one knows there is a sun, and it can break through. I think this is a consolation during periods when one is in a hole….But if one has never seen it, it is a totally different situation."
The archetypal significance of Gilgamesh
Rivkah Scharf Kluger
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