"Seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom;
yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom;
seek learning, even by study and also by faith."
Doctrine and Covenants 88:118

"And the gatherer sought to find pleasing words, worthy writings, words of Truth."
Ecclesiastes 12:10

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Detachment and Transfiguration - 2

"The first work of the hero is to retreat from the world scene of secondary effects to those causal zones of the psyche where the difficulties really reside, and there to clarify the difficulties, eradicate them in his own case (i.e., give battle to the nursery demons of his local culture) and break through to the undistorted, direct experience and assimilation of what C. G. Jung has called 'the archetypal images'....The hero, therefore, is the man or woman who has been able to battle past his personal and local historical limitations to the generally valid, normally human forms.  Such a one's visions, ideas and inspirations come pristine from the primary springs of human life and thought.  Hence they are eloquent, not of the present disintegrating society and psyche, but of the unquenched source through which society is reborn."

"His second solemn task and deed therefore (as Toynbee and all the mythologies of mankind indicate) is to return then to us, transfigured, and teach the lesson he has learned of life renewed."

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