I've been reading and thinking about dreams a lot lately.
Jung and his disciples had a fascinating approach to the dream that verges on the religious. The following quotes are from Marie-Louise Von Franz, a close associate of Jung and a well known interpreter and influential diffuser of Jungian ideas.
"Who or what is this miraculous something that composes a series of dream images?....it must be a being of the most superior intelligence - judging from the depth and cleverness of dreams....each time we succeed in understanding a dream and morally assimilating its message we 'begin to see (the light)'....one sees oneself for a moment through the eyes of another, of something objective which views one from the outside as it were....This eye which looks at us from within has to do with what we usually call conscience."
Marie-Louise Von Franz
While neither Jung nor Von Franz would go so far as to claim the "objective existence" of God, they put the kind of faith into the unconscious self (the "image of God" inside man) that allowed them the ability to have spiritual experiences in which they received guidance, and were even given glimpses of the future.
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